Buy A Sheet That Fits – I Can’t Stop Laughing

Yup !! Of course feels that way once in a while. She likely put it in the dryer one too often !

Video Credits : Loco Loco

Disclaimer : The Above Video is Copyrighted to the Respected Owner, we do not have any Legal Rights on the Above video

After Watching this Video, read some Funny and True facts that blast your Stomach

1)  Nokia was Once Famous as a manufacturer of Toilet Paper

2) Dell Computers was Started by an 19 year old with only $1000

3) Before the Invention of Eraser, Bread was Used to Erase the Pencil Marks

4) Google was Originally Named as " Backrub "

5) Alexander Bell who was the Inventor of Telephone, never called to his Mother or Wife, Because they were Both Deaf

6) Hitler was once Nominated for the Nobel Prize

7) The First Smiley Ever Written was in the Year 1981

8) Cheese is the Most Stolen Food in the World

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